Author's Guide> Registration & Fee
Registration & Fee 注册费信息

The Registration fee include the full access to all conference sessions, related conference materials and catering.

Registration Fee

Categories   Early Registration
(By Oct. 20th, 2024 )  
Regular Registration
(After Oct. 20th, 2024 )  
Author (Students)   490 USD / 3500 RMB   520 USD / 3700 RMB  
Author (IEEE Member)   520 USD / 3700 RMB  560 USD / 4000 RMB 
Author (Normal)   560 USD / 4000 RMB  600 USD / 4300 RMB  
Presenter Only   340 USD / 2400 RMB   360 USD / 2600 RMB  
Delegates   220 USD / 1500 RMB  260 USD / 1800 RMB  
Delegates (Students)   150 USD / 1000 RMB   180 USD / 1200 RMB  
Additional Paper   380 USD / 2800 RMB  380 USD / 2800 RMB 
Additional Page (Over 6 pages)   60 USD / 400 RMB  60 USD / 400 RMB  

** The conference registration fee is paid through the conference system, The conference committees & staff team will NOT ask for your credit card information for booking rooms or air tickets. Please take care to protect your financial and private information.   

Registration Policy

  1. 1. If the first author is not able to attend the conference, the second author or subsequent author has to pay the full registration fee.

  2. 2. In a paper with more than one author, all the authors attending the conference most complete their registration individually.

  3. 3. Student fee is ONLY applicable for student who is the FIRST author of the paper. If you register as a Student, you will be asked to email a copy of your student ID card.

  4. 4. One regular registration is within SIX Pages including all figures, tables, and references. Extra pages will be charged.

  5. 5. Once a successful registration transaction has been completed, confirmation of registration in soft-copy via email would be sent to the email address of the registrant. For some registration types it may be necessary to complete required information – such as attendee name – before the confirmation of registration and invitation letter can be issued.

Refund/Cancellation Policy

Registrations cancelled more than 90 days before the event will be refunded 70% of the registration fees.

Registrations cancelled less than 90 but more than 60 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the registration fees.

Registrations cancelled less than 60 but more than 30 days before the event will be refunded 30% of the registration fees.

Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.

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2024 the International Conference on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Design